The Simchah of Marriage: A Life of Connection

Practical Lessons From Sefer Ohel Rochel

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One of the most important truths that underlies Ohel Rochel is that what we do as women, in the context of our homes and our marriages, is important. We are important. The Jewish home is a place of enormous spiritual potential. Marriage is not a means to an end. It is an ideal, a gift from our Creator, a place of spiritual unity and oneness.

Ohel Rochel is a mesorah that teaches us about who we are spiritually, and how we can use that information to live a life of simchah.  

Simchah is built through connection, and since our marriages have the potential to be the place of our deepest connection, they also have the potential to be the place of our greatest simchah.

Ohel Rochel presents us, in the comfort of our homes, with the Torah tools, the Torah knowledge, and the Torah awareness of who we are, so that we can use our strengths to actualize our greatness as Jewish women.

This book is as much a workbook as it is a reading book. We have written this book in the first-person plural, using the word “we” throughout, because we view this as a shared avodah. All the women of Klal Yisrael are in this process together. We are always learning and growing, regardless of how many years we have studied or been married. We all have the ability to enhance our homes and our lives, and even to bring the final redemption through our avodah. As authors, we are hoping that you, dear reader, as you read this book, will join us in the process of turning lofty ideas into practical actions.

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Learn about the Simcha of Marriage with Rebbetzin Miller

Mrs. Miller teaches weekly workshops and gives private consultations for married women and kallahs.

Sara Yoheved Rigler talks about Rebbetzin Rochel Miller

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